If you are unfamiliar with the KISS acronym, it means “Keep It Simple Stupid.” But since there’s no need for name calling, we’ll change it to mean “Keep It Simple... Seriously.” The point is, “less is more,” especially when it comes to product packaging design for food and beverage. Successful packaging should be easy to understand, but also esthetically sophisticated enough to be appreciated by the shopper. As a result, this appreciation is associated with the product.
Simpler designs with the right content will have a better impact than crowded designs that say too much and muddle the message. So, it’s best to be mindful of the attention span of on-the-run shoppers, their attraction to what is new and different, the constant change in color fads, styles, and trends in consumer behavior. With all that in mind, it’s wise to update your packaging approximately every two years. It’s natural for shoppers to gravitate toward newer, fresher looking products.
So, remember to “keep it simple”... seriously..